Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leaving Sydney

The last week has pretty much just been packing and finals. It's been raining the last three days, so I couldn't even spend my last couple of days on the beach like I'd planned. But I have a flight at 7:00 am tomorrow morning to Melbourne. I will just be traveling for the next month and am so excited. We are staying in Melbourne for a couple of days, then moving on to Tasmania, and finally New Zealand. We will be living out of camper vans in Tasmania and New Zealand, so I'm not sure how much internet access I am going to get, but I can still try and post some photos in the rare case that I do find wifi. I'm also a little bit concerned about where we are going to find showers and toilets, but that is a problem I will have to solve later. For now I just have to figure out how to fit everything into my suitcases and get past the evil land lady tonight without her charging us $300 for accidentally putting a piece of garbage into the recycling bin (an actual threat). But once that is taken care of, I'm off and ready for a month of adventure where my only responsibility is keeping myself alive. Then I come home to see all my friends, family, and Busha for Christmas! I guess you could say that I'm in a pretty good place right now. Wish me luck on my travels!

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